New sanctions-related links and sources were added to the Global Source Directory such as :
- Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department | The Chemical Weapons (Convention) Ordinance Website
- European Union | Public Register of Authentic identity and travel Documents Online (PRADO)
- Deutsche Bundesbank | Finanzsanktionen
- Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (Bafin) | Databases, legal sources etc.
- German Central Customs Authority / Zoll | Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
- Justizportal des Bundes und der Länder | Online-Dienste
- Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI) | Country Pages
- Singapore Customs | Strategic Goods Control
- United Kingdom | Chemical Weapons Convention guidance
- U.S. Federal Register | Presidential Documents
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) | Most Wanted
- United Nations | Dag Hammarskjöld Library
The total number of sanctions-related links and sublinks in the global source directory is 6.415 entries as of September 27 2023.
Please see section “Source Directory” for a full filterable overview.
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